Well seeing as it is the time of the year to look back at the titles you have loved in the last twelve months, it is also time to look forward to lots of bookish goodness to come! Today I am going to highlight some of the books that I am VERY excited about! Let's go!
January sees the release of The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black. I have been excited about this one for a long time now, it just sounds so good - the children, a glass coffin - it sounds amazing and I cannot wait to finally have a ganders at it properly!! I am also deeply in love with that cover. It is just so blooming beautiful!
January also sees the release of The Mime Order, the second book in Samantha Shannon's epic The Bone Season series. If you haven't read any of Samantha's work yet then you are severely missing out. You will fall in love with the world, the characters and her writing style from the very first page. I cannot recommend it highly enough, and being lucky enough to have a proof copy I have read the first chapter and it is incredible - I cannot wait to give the full book a good read at the start of the year!

Moving on to February, this months sees the publication of The Sin Eater's Daughter by Mel Salisbury. Now, ever since I heard about this book and saw its INCREDIBLE cover I fell in love and couldn't wait to get a hold of it. I mean look at that cover! It just looks so amazing. The main character is the Goddess in human form and is the executioner, able to kill with a single touch. I mean... WOW! I need this book in my life... Now please!
Then we have, also in February, The Fire Sermon by Francesca Haig (which I am currently reading and ADORING!) and Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. Both books I am insanely excited about. Luckily I have an e-arc of Red Queen so I am hoping to get to it soon. I love both of these covers too. Wow, 2015 is already so strong in the cover game!
April unleashes a boat load of titles that I am gagging to read! Forged by Erin Bowman, the final offering in the Taken trilogy. Simon VS the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli which sounds beautiful and touching. And The Death Code by Lindsay Cummings, the sequel to my favourite book of 2014, The Murder Complex. I am so excited for April! What a month!

June will see the publication of one of my most anticipated reads of all time. More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera. This book has been building hype for quite a while now and it is Adam's debut. It follows Aaron as he struggles to come to terms with being gay and falling for Thomas in the middle of the Bronx, where it isn't really okay for him to be this way. It is already getting rave reviews and I for one cannot wait. I am so excited it is unreal!
July is a bit of a dry spell, at the moment anyway, so maybe this will be a time for me to catch up on the books already released? But then August comes along and all hell breaks loose. There's the new Patrick Ness book, The Rest of Us Just Live Here, which sounds phenomenal and is about people who can only watch on as the chosen one battles to save the world. There's the new Michelle Paver book, The Crocodile Tomb, which serves as the fourth instalment in the Gods and Warriors series. And there is also the final book in Rick Yancey's The 5th Wave trilogy. None of them have any covers yet, but I cannot wait to read them! August is going to be an amazing month!
July is a bit of a dry spell, at the moment anyway, so maybe this will be a time for me to catch up on the books already released? But then August comes along and all hell breaks loose. There's the new Patrick Ness book, The Rest of Us Just Live Here, which sounds phenomenal and is about people who can only watch on as the chosen one battles to save the world. There's the new Michelle Paver book, The Crocodile Tomb, which serves as the fourth instalment in the Gods and Warriors series. And there is also the final book in Rick Yancey's The 5th Wave trilogy. None of them have any covers yet, but I cannot wait to read them! August is going to be an amazing month!

And that folks, is all for 2015 that I know of so far. It sounds like it is going to be an AMAZING reading year for us all - with so many stunning sounding books to chose from I wonder how we are all going to fit it in! I for one cannot wait! I am so excited to get started - after a reasonably disappointing year reading wise I hope 2015 is a lot better!