- I am perfectly happy for authors, publishers and publicists to contact me about reviewing books.
- I am willing to consider YA Fiction of any genre only. I am not a fan of adult fiction, memoirs or biographies.
- At the moment unfortunately at this time, I can't accept self-published novels, due to the amount of books I have on my to read pile!! I'd love to but at the moment I just can't! (This will be updated and and when I can accept them!).
- I am now the proud owner of an Amazon Kindle, so will accept exceptional cases to read/review in eBook or PDF form, however I prefer bound paperback or hardback.
- I will do my best to review all books that I receive, although this may not always be possible.
- My reviews are 100% honest and fair. This means that the review might not always be positive.
- It may take me a few weeks to review a book, or longer. I will try to review all books at a time that suits both my blog and the publication of the book. This may mean that some books will not be reviewed until after publication.
- When reviewing, I include: a summary/blurb, my thoughts, the cover art, publisher information, publication date and links to buy the book on Amazon UK and, where applicable, Amazon US.
- I do not usually include spoilers in my reviews as I feel that everyone should be allowed the same reading experience. Any spoilers that may find their way into reviews will be flagged up majorly, and will appear very near the end of the review, however spoilers will be rare.
- All reviews are personal, and written solely by me.
- Books will be sent to where I live in the UK.
- My review policy is subject to change, without notice. If changes are made, a blog will be written, to make the changes absolutely clear.
All requests must be sent to: empire-of-books@live.co.uk.