Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Catch Up

First off, happy Easter guys! Hope you're all having a lovely weekend. Four days! Perfect. I think we need to start a petition to make all weekends four days. How awesome would that be?

Anyway, back to the post! So, things have been pretty quiet around here so far this year. It has been a bit of a weird time for me really. Whilst I've been pretty busy with work and real life I've had a lot of spare time to read and review and stuff but I've just had no compulsion to do so. In fact I've been in such a bad reading slump that I've only read 5 books so far this year and that is a joke! I really don't know what was wrong with me but no matter what I picked up I couldn't connect with it, I could finish it, I had to put it down and I started to wonder whether if it wasn't the books that were the problem but me. So I gave myself a bit of time away from reading and just did other stuff to keep myself occupied and then a couple of weeks ago I picked up Banished by the lovely Liz de Jäger and I fell in love and I'm happy to say I'm reading again. Not at the rate that I used to but I'm still reading and I'm loving it again which is good. So over the next few days I'm going to finally be getting some reviews up! Yay. There is of course one for Banished and the two Zom-B books that have been published this year.

I also in other news went to the premiere for Divergent at the end of last month and had such an amazing time. The film is stunning and more than it could ever of dreamed of. One of the best book to film adaptations I've seen in a very long time and it has me very excited to see how they will handle Insurgent and then Allegiant in the coming years! 

Anyway, I'm going to let you go and I hope to see you around again soon for lots more reviews and posts as I really get back into the swing of things! There area. Lot of exciting books coming out this year that I cannot wait to get stuck into!