Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Midnight Magic Blog Tour

Good morning everyone and welcome to the next stop of the Midnight Magic blog tour celebrating the release of the new book from the lovely Michelle Harrison! Author of such tales as The 13 Treasures, A Pinch of Magic and now Midnight Magic!

It gives me great pleasure today to present to you an extract from the book itself which is wonderfully illustrated and such a fun read. I read this to my niece who is nearly 3 and she loved it!

So without further ado here we go...

Isn't that delightful and doesn't it make you want to read more? Well you can - my full review is coming in the next few days and you can buy the book right now! Do go and check it out because it is a delight and children will love it!

You can also follow the tour on tomorrows stop on Story Snug!