Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Friday, 26 October 2012

Cover art for Jack Sampsoite 2 (Title too long to say, let alone fit here...)

Tom Clempson won the award last year for the longest title for a YA book, and quite possibly work of literature ever, last year. And 2013 will see him once again come in and smash those records. I'll take a deep breath before I say it...

One Seriously Messed-Up Weekend in the Otherwise Un-Messed-Up Life of Jack Sampsonite... Phew, let me just have a breather... Wow... Thats 12 whole words. 84 characters. 23 (I think...) syllables... Crazy! It's due in March and it sounds awesome...

"Jack Samsonite's Foolish Plan for Being Amazing at Everything(including getting a life, getting into Film School, and getting into a girl's knickers)1.Make an amazing(ly bad) short film about zombies . . . or maybe superheroes . . . or just three idiot friends. It has to be deep and meaningful and (most importantly) has to have a scene where I kiss a girl on the mouth.2.Write the world's best university application ever! (Or at least one that doesn't make me seem like a nob).3.Don't get expelled trying to complete 1 & 2.It can't possibly fail . . . right?!
Right? Awesome! Can't wait, and the cover has been unveiled... Check it out!

Great. Everything is shaping up nicely! If it's anything like the first book, One Seriously Messed-Up Week in the Otherwise Mundane and Uneventful Life of Jack Sampsonite, then it's sure to be a winner as far as I am concerned!

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