Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

5th Blogiversary! GIVEAWAY!

I can't believe it. I genuinely can't. When I set up my blog all those years ago I never dreamt it would still be a thing I did and thought about. I started it just for a bit of fun after discovering that book blogs existed. I don't even know how I came to realise this but I know the first one I ever found was Jenny's incredible Wondrous Reads site. Since then I've gotten to speak to so many amazing people, and even got to go to a film premiere because of it, which is something I never imagined would happen (although I haven't met anyone yet... which is s0 FRUSTRATING!!!!). The past few years have been pretty hectic and I always completely forget about my blogiversary and will just happen to realise that is has already passed so I cannot do anything to celebrate... Well not this year!

As a massive thank you to each and every one of you out there that has supported me, read the blog, follows me on twitter and instagram, and to all the amazing publishers and publicists and their amazing authors, I am running this give away! Wahoo! I've always wanted to do one but I wanted a good reason and my blog turning 5 seems like a good idea to me. And what is better is that it is an INTERNATIONAL giveaway! As long as the Book Depository ship to your country then you can enter! Fantastic stuff! Yo can find a list here of all the countries they ship to!

All you have to do to win is fill out the form below. It's as simple as that! No tricky questions, nothing major. Just fill out the form and sit back and wait! What I have decided to do is pick five of my favourite books I have reviewed. One from each year I have been blogging... So, here are the choices!

2010: When I Was Joe by Keren David.
2011: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness.
2012: Gods and Warriors/The Outsiders by Michelle Paver.
2013: Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan.
2014: This Book Is Gay by James Dawson.

Now I am going to have 3 winners who each get to pick one book and then I will also pick out a wildcard entry who will win all 5! Now, the competition is open until 11:59pm on 6th March and winners will be picked some time that week and contacted for their addresses so I can send their prizes out! Good luck to everyone, and thank you for an amazing five years! Here's to another 5!

(Please note, winners will be picked using and will be emailed for confirmation of address!)


  1. Congratulations on your blogiversary! 5 years is an incredible achievement.

    1. Thank you so much! I can't believe it really. I thought I would of fallen out of love with it by now or that people would just ignore me and the blog but it's been so much fun and don't intend to stop anytime soon. Such a wonderful community to be a part of. :)

  2. Congratulations! 5 years is a great achievement!

  3. Congratulations Ryan - 5 years is pretty amazing, heres to 5 years more :)

  4. Wow, five years of blogging?! That's so awesome. Congratulations!
