Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Friday, 8 February 2013

Time Riders 8 Title and Cover Art

Alex Scarrow's Time Riders series is nearing the end. The latest instalment, The Pirate King's came out this week, and already things are gearing up for the release of the eighth, and penultimate, instalment in the nine book saga. It's called The Mayan Prophecy, and is due in bookshops at the start of August. And below, you can feast your eyes on the cover which looks stunning. I for one need to catch up. Haven't read Book Five and Six and now Seven. Yikes!


  1. OOHH! Looks amazing!
    The yellow and the green coupled with a little Mayan magic= Bestseller! Whoever does these covers knows their stuff.

  2. looks awesome
