Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Angel Fever cover art unveiled

Good lord I have waited so long for this moment. It seems like a life time ago I sat down on that dreary day and it was brightened by the events unfolding before me in a little book called Angel by L.A. Weatherly. Fast forward 3 years and the days are passing by at a painfully slow pace. They need to go quicker. Much quicker. Like fast forward to the 1st October quicker would be nice... Because on that day we finally get to know how it all ends. And boy am I excited! 

Finally the cover art for Angel Fever has been unveiled and it's a beaut...

Just... Gah. I'll be the first to admit that Alex and Seb aren't exactly as I'd imagine them but that doesn't matter. I just can't wait! ARGH! :D


  1. which ones alex and which one is sed. the one on the right looks like a guy from jonas brothers with a diffrent hair cut. i have also waited for this book for so long :( :( i am so gald it is out:):):):):)

  2. Yay, I can't wait for Angel Fever! <3
