Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

News: Title for Third Lorien Legacies

Now regular readers will no doubt know that I am in love with Pittacus Lore's alien saga featuring I Am Number Four and one of my favourite books this year, The Power of Six...

Well now the title for the third book has been released! :D It's called...


Argh! Exciting. Sadly for me it's not out till August 2012 but that's great for you as it gives you plenty of times to read the first 2 instalments and check out the film for the first book!

Already 2012 is shaping up to be all shades of amazing book wise!!


  1. lol, itz not lucky for me that its comming owt in august because i fineshed reading i am number 4 in 4 days and begged my mum to get me the power of six and fineshd that in 5 days and i literaly had a hissy fit when i found owt august 2011 that i hat to wait a YEAR for the next book i thought i was gonna die! but just recently i found on the web a new side book to the lorien legacies series called I am number four:the lost files: six's legacy. and i am going to the library and hopeing like hell it is avaleble there to get it while i wait for the rise of nine. thanx sooo much four the book title and the books in the lorien legacies series are definetly the best books i have EVER read, they are awesome!!
    posted by Hannah in New Zealand

  2. Unfortunately Hannah, the Lost Files is ebook only! :( And I read Power of Six back in JUNE so imagine how far away August has been for me! :D

  3. the hard book of the lost files comes out in june!!!!!!

  4. the hard book of the lost files comes out in june!!!!!!

  5. I think I'm the luckiest. I first read I am number four like a week ago. And then I read all the side books. And then I came across a bookstore and I got the power of six, read it and literally the day after. The rise of nine came out and I got it on opening day and I jus finished it :) but now I'm joining everyone on the loooong wait for another :(
