Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New Years, New Resolutions

Hey guys. First off... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

So, I've been pretty quiet lately. There's been a lot going on in my life personally that I'm not going to go in to but 2014 looks like it is going to be one freaking awesomesauce year and I cannot wait to get it started. There also look to be a lot of amazing books coming out soon too... In fact, there's a post going up later about my most anticipated releases of the year so be sure to check that out to see if we're excited about the same titles or if there's something there you are yet to discover!

So, yeah, resolutions. I only have one. To be a better blogger. I know. Kind of predictable right? But it's true. I want to post more. Review more. You guys have been awesome, I've just checked the stats page and it's ridiculous how many views the blog still gets even when I'm not posting, so thanks for sticking with me.

Thanks to all the awesome publishers who send me proofs and stuff to review. I'm off work at the moment till next week and I am reading as much as I can and already have a few reviews to be writing up. So lets get to it guys. 2014, bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. Dude, that's the best resolution ever. Keep it simple. I've done shit this past year. I haven't done ANYTHING in 2013 and for 2014, being a better blogger is literally the only thing I can think of for my blogging resolution. Good luck and Happy New Year!
