Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

In My Postbox #50

In My Mailbox idea from Kristi @ The Story Siren, and all links take you to Amazon UK

Hey everyone. Hope you are all well and enjoying your weekend! Here are the books I've revieved/bought in the last 2 weeks (or is it 3 now? I'm losing count...) since the last In My Postbox! :D

(N.B. I noticed a little too late that two books in here - Geekhood and Hollow Pike have already been featured, when I thought they hadn't... Oops...)



A Confusion of Princes by Gath Nix (so excited for this one - it sounds great and I am in love with the cover!!!!)
Hallowed by Cynthia Hand.
Forbidden by Ted Dekker.
Mr. Creecher by Chris Priestley.
A Midsummer Tights Dream by Louise Rennison.
Seraphina by Rachel Hartman (A LOT of buzz about this one over on Twitter. Hadn't heard of it till I got this ARC but it sounds awesome and I cannot wait to give it a go!
Unravelling by Elizabeth Norris (another one I am very excited about!)
Bracelet of Bones by Kevin Crossley-Holland.
Invincible by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

And finally something special! :D A book I have been waiting for since it was announced in December 2010... 

Gods And Warriors by Michelle Paver!

ARGH! YES! YES! JUST YES! It's real. It actually exists. It's no longer just a distant hope. It's a book and it's here!

It's not actually published until 28th August, but I've already read it and good grief is it amazing! Michelle Paver is back, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, with a colossal bang. I really cannot wait to see what  happens next. I have to give a special shout out and thank you to Rhys over at for making this happen! He's awesome and you should all go check out his brilliant blog!

The book itself is signed, and me and Michelle go way back (met her the first time in 2006 and speak to her via letter and as I'm a moderator on her official website ( and so the message makes me feel all jumpy and happy. I would share it, but I've decided that I don't want to show books that have been signed when there's a message specifically to me. I spoke to fellow bloggers about this on Twitter and feel it's personal and, I suppose selfishly, I want to keep it for me! Haha. I know it sounds dumb but hey, ho, that's how it goes! 



The Hunger Games: The Tribute Guide - Read this, and might review it. It's basically just a load of pictures and a little bit of text, which rather than being a guide to the tributes themselves, is more of an abridged version of the book itself from Reaping to entering the arena for the Games themselves. Good, and a nice little collectable for die-hard fans, but not really anything to make a big song and dance about sadly!

The Hunger GamesCatching Fire and Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. The adult UK editions. Black with the birds from the original US covers. Love these so freaking much and despite having the UK original paperbacks, US hardbacks and the e-books on my Kindle, these were on The Works for £1.99 but if bought all together, it came to £4.99. I'm sorry but that is a bargain I could not pass up on. They look so impressive all lined up. :D LOVE IT!


  1. Only £4.99? ;_; I so want such a bargain for myself, and those covers are gorgeous.

    A Confusion of Princes looks incredible. And it's a standalone, too. Unique in this sea of trilogies. :) I can't wait to read it myself.

    New follower here, although I've been following you on Twitter for a while.

    My IMM is here. <3

  2. So excited about Unraveling!
    The premise sounds awesome.

  3. Hi Ryan, you have your work cut out for you with all those books for review, but I do envy you that task, since the titles all look amazing. I take it that you've already read The Hunger Games trilogy and you're just collecting the books? I fell in love with the trilogy last year, I read all three books in a month's time. I haven't heard of Michelle Paver's Gods and Warriors - do drop me a line and share with me what is so special about the book. Congratulations on having a Garth Nix title for review, I've been hunting his Abhorsen Trilogy in our book bargain bins here in Singapore to no avail. Enjoy your reads!

    Here's ours over at GatheringBooks:

  4. Hallowed is so awesome! You got a lot of great books this week.
    Happy reading

  5. Love those covers of The Hunger Games trilogy!! They are beautiful!!

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading,
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  6. Wow, awesome books this week! I've never heard of Michelle Paver but I'm glad you got her latest book, and are so excited after waiting so long! Enjoy everything you got this week :D

    If you'd like you can check out the awesome books I got in my mailbox this week, just click the link below! ;)

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  7. Oh awesome! Unravelling sounds so good! Happy Reading!
    -Heather My Mailbox
