Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Friday, 12 November 2010

Update - I Have Not Fallen Off The Face Of The Earth...

Hi everyone.

This is just a quick update. Just to let you know I haven't forgotten about you all! I started my new job last Wednesday and have had pretty much no time to blog! It sucks but I've been so tired and by the time I've done what has to be done for the day, it's too late and there's too little time to blog! As it is, I am hoping to get caught up this weekend and have some stuff scheduled! 

Also thank you to all the publicists sending me books! They make coming home even more of a pleasure! Had some great books this week (which you will see on Sunday in In My Postbox!)



  1. Hi - new follower here! I found your blog when I was searching for book cover to use as an image in mine, and you came up as one of the top matches... Well, I've been snooping around for a while and I love it!
    Ellie @ Musings of a Bookshop Girl

  2. Hope your job is going well, Ryan! Hope you're enjoying it!
