Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Giveaway: Signed Copy of Swim The Fly!

If you guys cast your minds back to the end of last week, Saturday I believed, the charming Mr. Don Calame stopped by for a little Q&A as part of his blog tour to celebrate the UK release of his book, Swim The Fly. Well, as part of his visit I was offered a signed, yes *SIGNED*, to giveaway. Well I forgot to add it in to the post, so here it is now. Haha. Better late than never!

Sadly, it is only open to UK residents, but all you have to do is fill the form out below. Easy as that. The comp closes on Sunday 25th June. I'll then let do it's work and the said signed copy will be wizzing it's way over to the winner!

1 comment:

  1. THanks for the giveaway! I've heard such awesome things about this book I really think I should set to getting a copy.
