Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Announcing The Doc Mortis Blog Tour

To celebrate the release of the fourth book in Barry Hutchison's Invisible Friends series, Doc Mortis, which is out on 4th August, Barry will be touring a collection of blogs over the course of two weeks! And the tour will be stopping off here on 7th August! Below, is a full itinerary of the blogs Barry and Doc Mortis will be visiting throughout the tour, and to check out Barry's own post about the tour, click the banner above, or in the sidebar!

August 2011 – Week One
Monday, 1stBookzone for Boys
Tuesday, 2ndSerendipity Reviews
Wednesday, 3rdFeeling Fictional
Friday, 5thEmotionally 14
Saturday, 6thBart’s Bookshelf
Sunday, 7thEmpire of Books
August 2011 – Week Two
Monday, 8thGripped into Books
Tuesday, 9thBooks for Teens
Wednesday, 10thCicely Loves Books
Thursday, 11thNayu’s Reading Corner
Saturday, 13thMy Favourite Books
Sunday, 14thWondrous Reads


  1. *cough* HutchISon *cough*

    Don't worry, everyone does it...

  2. Oops!!! Sorry Barry! Argh. What a numpty. Had the book on the table next to me aswell. Sorry mate! Haha!
