Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Sunday, 10 July 2011

In My Postbox #41

In My Mailbox idea from Kristi @ The Story Siren, and all links take you to Amazon UK.

Hey everyone! Happy Sunday, yet again! Hope you are all well and have had a great reading week! Here are the books that I got this week!


Eragon, Eldest and Brisingr by Christopher Paolini
I couldn't find the actual jpeg's for these, so my pic I took will have to do! Haha. Lovely re-issues to get folk excited for the release of the final book, Inheritance, which is out in November! They should have coloured edged (blue for Eragon, red for Eldest and gold for Brisingr) but mine are plane. Not fussed though because they are still lovely! Also little pull out posters/postcards of the cover image as well! Cannot wait for November!! My thanks to Random House for my copies! :D

Now anyone who's been a regular reader of the blog since last Summer will know that I am a massive Keren David fan. I loved When I Was Joe and Almost True, both published last year, so I am very excited to read something new from her!! Do check out my reviews for Joe and True via the search bar above and make sure you read them. They are brilliant, gritty novels that are hard hitting and... well... beautiful! Looking forward to reading this! Thanks to Frances Lincoln for the copy! 

Finally, the postcards will make sense. First there was the mustache sent early last week, then a tooth towards the end of the week, and just the other day a third one, a feather came through the post... 

And then finally the book itself arrived, tied in a lovely little package! So cool! Really looking forward to reading this. I think the little campaign to garner interest with the postcards before actually sending out the proofs/arc's was brilliant and thing that Hodder have done an amazing job, they've really outdone themselves. Excited to read this! Thanks Hodder!!


Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan.
This is for a themed week coming towards the end of September/Early October. Some might say I'm getting a bit ahead of myself, but I wanted to give myself plenty of time to read it! Thanks to Caroline for the recommendation, and to the Book Depository who seem to be the only people who actually still have the book in stock! Amazon have no copies at all, and it isn't available on Kindle! Took me a while to find it but got there in the end!


Such a good album. Recommend it. It's mostly slower songs, a few uptempo. Kind of has an Adele, 21 feel to it which I love! 

And hereth end another weeks In My Postbox! I've got the next week off work, so I shall be doing my best to read and actually get some content up on here! Haha! I will also be tweeting a bit more than usual. So I hope you all have a great week, happy reading, and do let me know what you got through your letter box this week in the comments below. I'll do my best to check it out and comment back! :)


  1. I haven't heard many good things about Beyonce's new 'un, but if you like it I probably will too. Might give it a go.

    And what a great book week! Apparently my Eragon copies are in the post - can't wait :D They look lovely with new covers, and just the thing to get us (even more) excited for November!

    I really enjoyed Lia's Guide, so I'm sure you will. Keren's writing is always brilliant. Ooh and Boy Meets Boy! I'm going to buy that soon.. I noticed Amazon didn't have any though. Ha. Weird.


  2. I like the new covers for the Eragon series- very cool. I can't wait to read Inheritance either but I've forgotten a lot of what happened in Brisingr. I'll have to do a quick re-read before november!
    Enjoy your books!
