Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

In My Postbox #40

In My Mailbox idea from Kristi @ The Story Siren, and all links take you to Amazon UK.

Hey guys! I did intend to do an In My Postbox last week, but it was works Summer Party and lets just say, that I was not feeling well enough to do anything on Sunday and had to work on the Saturday so couldn't get the post ready! Ha! Well, the less said about last Sunday, the better, I hope to forget it in a hurry! Anyway, hope everyone has had a good week, and without further ado, In My Postbox #40.


First heard about this a little while ago, that cover is so freaking creepy! Looking forward to having a read! My thanks to the publisher for sending me a copy! 

The Devil Walks by Anne Fine.
Another lovely cover! How cool does it look? Thanks to Rosi at Random House for this!

Girl Parts by John M. Cusick.
This book sounds very interesting! Looking forward to having a ganders! Thanks to Walker UK for this!

Money Run by Jack Heath.
A teen thriller with assasins, double-crossers, con-artists and more... what is not to love? Cannot wait! Thanks to Usborne and Liz for this!

Texas Gothic by Rosemary Clement-Moore.
This sounds very good and I love the look of it! Again, thanks to Rosi for this at Random House!

Liesl & Po by Lauren Oliver.
By the author of Delirium which I quite enjoyed. This was a complete surprise and it sounds brilliant. Very excited to read it. Thanks Hodder! :D And with it came a very cool little extra! A cut out, Liesl & Po theatre set! Amazing!

Passion by Lauren Kate.
Now I haven't read any of these books but they do sound good and now this is the incentive I need to get the first two books. Again, thanks to the lovely Rosi for this! :)


Now, this week, myself and several other bloggers recived a mystery postcard the other day. It's plain but has a black moustach on it, and on the back, a link to Now, this was a bit weird. I opened it and didn't see the link as I was on my way home from work... I was like... um, who sent this. It wasn't till I got home I saw the Hodder & Stoughton logo. Only Hodder! And then I went to the link! It's all part of a little campaign for a book called The Daughter of Smoke and Bone by a lady called Lani Taylor. It's out in September and sounds very intriguing and mysterious. And then this morning (it's Saturday as I write this...) a second one turns up. Only it's black, and with a tooth! Hmm! Will keep you updated if any more arrive, but for now, check em out!

And finally...


Now, picture this, I was out in front of our house, on a day off sick, helping my mum try and stop ants coming in our house (which might I add we have done successfully...) and the postman in the van stops in front of our house. Now, our normal postie had already been on his bike in the morning and brought me a lovely package from Random House. So what could it be? The man in the van only comes if it's something that was missed or was too big. He handed me this package and I recognised the handwriting instantly from previous packages/scribbles in books... and this is what I got!

A card! And a little gift! Gift is a little skull and cross bones badge and it came from the ever lovely, Mr. Justin Somper! Now, me and Justin go way back. I've been a supporter since Demons in the Ocean came out in 2005 and this was a little thank you (which I know at least one other Nocturnal got and it was rightly deserved!)! I cannot thank you enough Justin! Something so little but means so much to me! I count Justin as a very good friend, although one I have yet to meet in person! It will happen, and hopefully this year! I was very touched and it was just what I needed when I felt as crap as I did! So thank you!!! :D You amazing man!

So yep, that's it folks! I had a great week overall and am one very happy blogger! I also sorted out all the press releases I've got since I started blogging into a folder. I'd previously kept them in a cardboard box but this is much better and more space efficient!

Have a great week folks! Happy reading!


  1. Strangely enough I got Girl Parts and Miss Peregrine this week too! Happy reading!

    ComaCalm's IMM

  2. The Devil Walks actually sounds pretty cool. I hadn't heard of it before, but I'll keep an eye out for it in the coming months. I'm yet to start any of Lauren Kate's books, but I do have Fallen and Torment sitting on my shelf, hopefully they're good. Those little postcards are cute, but yes it would have been weird finding that in the mail. What a great idea for a marketing campaign though.

    I'm a new follower :)
    Here's my IMM this week

  3. Fab IMM this week! I really need to start the Fallen series. Happy Reading :)

  4. Great IMM this week! Really want Ransom Riggs book!!

    My IMM is here:

  5. Great set! I really want to read Liesl & Po and Girl Parts.
    My IMM

  6. Fantastic week - they all look brilliant and I hope you enjoy each and every one! :)
