Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

In My Postbox #47

In My Mailbox idea from Kristi @ The Story Siren, and all links take you to Amazon UK.

I cannot for the life of me believe that it's been nearly three months... yes THREE MONTHS... 3! since I did my last Postbox update. Wow! Things have been crazy what with moving, Christmas, work and other stuff that goes on at that time of year (parties... I'll say no more...) but I have a bumper post today! I am going to apologise in advance for it's size, and also for any books I've missed that I might of been sent in this time. I've tried to find every single one and have been referencing with previous posts here on the blog to see what I have and haven't featured, but what with moving, everything was packed away and with over 400 books (yes, really...) they are all over the place and still, mostly, in boxes. So I've found all the ones I could and here they are...

The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz.
Soul Beach by Kate Harrison.
In Darkness by Nick Lake.
Mortlock by Jon Mayhew.
The Demon Collector by Jon Mayhew.
The Wizard Heir by Cinda Williams Chima.

Saving Daisy by Phil Earle.
Wonder by R. J. Palacio.
Playground by 50 Cent (no, really!)
The 13th Horseman by Barry Hutchison.
Black Arts by Andrew Prentice and Jonathan Weil.

Legend by Marie Lu.
Goliath by Scott Westerfeld.
The Killables by Gemma Malley (really cool detatchable badge that you can see there in the place of the K on the title! SO COOL! Hodder always do such amazing proofs!).
Hogfather by Terry Pratchett (SIGNED... as you can see below... Read as part of my Christmas reading... love this book. Meant to get the review up for Christmas eve but just didn't get around to it and it feels wrong to review it now it's not Christmas... maybe next year!).
Department 19: The Rising by Will Hill (also signed but I don't have a pic of that the moment... doh!).

The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini (I started the series with a paperback of Eragon and always wanted a hardback copy... my copy of Eldest was hardback but in tatters so decided to get a complete set... worked out cheaper and it looks amazing!).

Next we've got Advent by James Treadwell. This copy actually came today... kind of a coincidence considering I finally started reading my proof copy last night and am thoroughly enjoying it at the moment. Just as with the black wrap-around on the proof, the cover has some iridescent bits that shine blue, red, and different colours when in different lights. So cool. Hodder always make such beautiful books! :D Some bookmarks/promo things came a few days prior in a little slipcase which is so cool! And it's quite big. Here is the finished copy next to the proof...

I'll admit that I realised I'd forgotten two books... So pics are taken from my twitter account, and from my old house, hence the green carpet and now we have a brown one... Haha. They are as follows...

The Haunting of Charity Delafield by Ian Beck (reviewed this a few weeks ago now... review here!)
Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare (my first ever embargo'd book I've been sent! :D Official letter and everything! Can you guess how excited I was? Haha! Eek! :D).

Surprisingly, no books for Christmas which was weird... First Christmas in ages that's happened. Did buy a few for Kindle though thanks to the 12 Days of Kindle...

Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landy.
Lost Christmas by David Logan.
Letters from Father Christmas by J. R. R. Tolkien.

I also got a pretty awesome CD! Rihanna's Talk That Talk album which is bloomin' brilliant! Saw her at the NIA Arena in Birmingham the week after this was released and she was awesome!

Also got this beauty of a calandar... yesterday actually (Sat 7th Jan)... THE HUNGER GAMES! Argh!

Well, this isn't a book but still... finally in this week's IN MY POSTBOX, it's the Collectors Edition collection of Harry Potter. All 8 films on DVD and blu ray. And it's beautiful. I love it!

So there... wow... I don't ever intend to leave it that long again to do a Postbox post! Haha. Hope you all have a great week, happy reading! :)


  1. Some great stuff there - so jealous of you having got The Rising already, can't wait for that one!

  2. Haha, I don't think I've done an IMM for about two months now! Need to change that! Awesome books and YAY FOR YOUR THG CALENDAR AND HP BOXSET!!! *fangirls*

    Happy reading :)

  3. Fab postbox, totally agree about Hodder making beautiful books and proofs. Happy reading :D
