Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Frozen cover released!!!

Earlier this year, a novel was published in the US of A that I loved loved loved the idea of so much that I just had to get a copy shipped over, even though I'd gotten a digital arc from the US publisher - thank goodness for the wonder that is The Book Depository - it was just so darn awesome looking. I mean that cover. Eeeep. That book was Erin Bowman's Taken, and it was a stunner and well worth the wait.

So cue my exitement to learn this is a trilogy and book 2 is out next year. We already know it's called Frozen, and that it comes out next April, but this week Erin unveiled the cover art and boy is it a beauty!

Wow-eee... Right?! I mean look at it. It's beautiful. I love that they're sticking with the same style and if this is improvement they've made from book 1 to book 2 what on earth is the cover for book 3 going to look like? I can't even begin to imagine for fear my brain might explode!

I really cannot wait to read this as I loved Taken so much. If you live in the UK like me, I urge you to get a copy - they're available on the Book Depo, free postage, and I believe on Amazon as well - and if you live in the US and haven't read it yet, pop along to your nearest book store. It really is a great, refreshing and addictive read!

Roll on 2014!

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