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Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

All Our Yesterdays trailer unveiled...

I've been excited about this book for a little while and it seems the excitement, particularly among bloggers, is getting bigger by the day. I currently have a proof on my Kindle and am looking forward to reading it soon, but this has just made it go up my tbr pile a little bit... The trailer was unveiled yesterday and it was made by one of the best YA bloggers around. Casey over at Dark Reads has made videos based on books and about books for a while now and this is the first time she's actually been approached by a publisher to make an OFFICIAL trailer, so this is all very exciting! I couldn't be more excited for Casey and with the results being so amazing it's sure to be the first of many! Well done Casey, I definitely cannot wait to read this awesome book now!

All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill is published by Bloomsbury and is due on 1st August! So not long to wait to grab your copy!!

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