Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Monday, 30 May 2011

In My Postbox #37

In My Mailbox idea from Kristi @ The Story Siren, and all links take you to Amazon UK.

So yeah, this is late... apologies. But it's bee a busy and tiring weekend! Anyway, better late than never. And this week should officially be The Works and WH Smith are amazing week!


Double-Cross by Sophie McKenzie.
I've never actually read any of Sophie's books but this sounds good so I might just have to give them a go! Thanks S&S!


Like I said at the start of this weeks In My Postbox, The Works and WH Smith were full of awesome and I spent more money than I should, and kind of regret it as everywhere is selling Wii's for £99 and mine is broke. Oh well. Payday tomorrow so it's all good. Will get one then! :D

The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis.
All 7 books in 1. And for £3.99. What a freaking steal?! Never read them all. Read the first 3 and loved them. Need to read them all!

The Thin Executioner by Darren Shan.
Never got around to getting this despite wanting to! Then I saw it in The Works and knew I'd regret not getting it!

The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown.
I read this a few years ago and really enjoyed it and saw this hardback collectors edition with illustrations all throughout. I couldn't help but grab it!

Eragon's Guide to Alagaesia by Christopher Paolini.
Again something I've wanted for a while. Something to increase the excitement for the final book in the series!

Dreams by Leona Lewis.
I like Leona and this was only £1.99 so thought I'd grab it just to have a ganders! 

The Kane Chronicles: The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan.
And again, another book I've wanted for a while. Cannot wait to get around to this.

And finally I got some musical and visual goodies too!

Lady Gaga - Born This Way
Brilliant album. Listened to pretty much nothing else all week. Has some addictive songs on there. Fave at the mo has to be either Government Hooker or Heavy Metal Lover!

Am halfway through this now and loving it. Probably the best season yet!

So there ya go. That's what I got this week. What about you guys? Hope you all have a great week, and Happy Reading! :)


  1. Great IMM this week Ryan! Hope you enjoy your books :)

  2. i also have that Narnia book. and boy, you won't regret buying that and chances are you'd want to read it again and again! Red Pyramid is also a great story but compare to rick riordan's other books, it was interesting yes, but i just some how i didn't like how the story was told. But enjoy those, they sure will keep you satiated :)

  3. My faves off the Special Ed GaGa cd are Bloody Mary and Electric Chapel.
    Also, I've been keen to read The Red Pyramid. Hope it's as charming as Percy Jackson!

  4. Fab week! Don't you just love The Works? I buy loads from there. :D

    Eragon, Narnia, Double-Cross (excellent series, you'd like it!), and Gaga all in one week?! Ace!

  5. True Blood season 3 is great. I can't wait for season 4 to start up! I've only read the first two of the Percy Jackson novels but I loved them, so I'm looking forward to read more of Rick's books. Happy reading and watching!
