Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Saturday, 7 May 2011

News: The Power of Six Cover Art!

The Power of Six is the second book of The Lorien Legacies by Pittacus Lore. It continues the tale of nine aliens hidden as humans as they hide awaiting news/and hoping to return, to their home planet of Lorien. Like I Am Number Four, there are going to be two covers. One is the adult edition, and the other the YA edition! Check them out below!!

Pretty good stuff huh?! The green one is the adult edition, and the blue one the YA. I like both. I like the simplicity of the adult edition but also like the different effects and layers to the YA one! Either way, it's out on  23rd August!


  1. I'm sill not sure what I make of these. Neither have really made an impression on me. :/

  2. The cover art for this one isn't as good as the first one really. Although for me, nothing will ever top the artwork for the review copies!
