Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Monday, 2 May 2011

NEWS: Cover art for Becca Fitzpatrick's Silence!

Today after months of speculation and waiting, at last the cover for the third and final book in Becca Fitzpatrick's brilliant Hush, Hush series, Silence, was revealed... and it's a corker! Check it out below!

AMAZING! It's out in October so count down them days folks!


  1. To be perfectly honest Ryan, I hate it. I know the genre isn't my sort of thing, but with my design teacher hat on I would say that it looks like a cheap photoshop job using stock images and a number of my A Level students could do better. Definitely not up to the standard of the previous two covers, it looks more like it should be on the cover of a Mills & Boon book.

  2. Hm... does look a bit 2 dimensional really. It's eye catching but I hope it looks better on the printed book!

  3. My god I am so excited for this book. And I'm completely in love with the cover! (Of course!)

    Oh, and I think it will look better on the printed book...
