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Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Cover VS Cover: Zom-B by Darren Shan

I am a massive Darren Shan fan, so when he announced a year or so ago that he had a new series starting Autumn 2012 I could not of been more excited. Fast forward, and there are just 2 and a bit months to go until the book is out. We know now that it's called Zom-B, and there are going to be 12, yes 12!!!, books in the series! It's also being published in America around the same time, and both cover looks are pretty different...

UK / / US

Now, both covers are pretty grisly. That is for sure. The UK one always makes me shudder whenever I see it. The way the guy looks... UGH! I like the colouring on the cover and the way the text is written. And with the US cover... I'm sorry but that is just scary. The expression on that guys face! Seriously. He looks terrible - quite literally! I like the subtelty of it, and yet it's all over the top gore. Love it! I love both of them. It's kind of hard for me to choose, but I know if I was to walk into a book shop now, I'd choose the UK cover. The American cover just freaks me out way too much.

So which do you prefer? UK, or US?!

Zom-B will be published on 27th September!!!


  1. UK version is much cooler though the US version of book cover is good (but it's too simple). I'm one of Darren Shan's fan here in the Philippines and I love how he write novels. Great writer! More power to you Darren! I have my blog: :) Thanks for this post! :)

  2. I think the UK cover will appeal to the Teen market more but I like the US cover more personally. :)

  3. US is much much better.
    UK looks to childish and I'd feel odd to read it publicly as i'd feel younger and a bit of a psycho! With the US cover i'd feel more mature and actually frightened to look at the cover so this cover sets the book up for more than a kids horror book.

    I'm from the UK so disappointed so I shall be ordering the US book - don't care if it costs more - rather feel confident reading a book and i'm sure i'd get more into it

    1. No doubt the Book Depository would be a good bet to get a US cover copy! Might be importing one too! Agree with you on that front about it looking more grown up!

  4. I prefer the US cover to the UK one, although I can see why people may like the UK one. I just like the unique use of the typography on the US cover.

    Anyhow it's really whats inside the cover that's most important!

    1. Could not agree more! So excited to read it!!

  5. The US one is more striking, and I generally like books that have writing round a different way. I like the US one better.

  6. What a terrific read. At no point can you sit there and say "I figured this out"! Vivid details painted a perfect picture of terror and endless hopelessness. Defiantly needs to become a movie or better yet a tv series.

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