Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Monday, 31 December 2012

2012 and 2013

Good afternoon guys and girls (or morning, or evening, or night... whenever it is you're reading this). I just wanted to make a post about 2012 ending. It's been an awesome year this year. Some amazing, stunning books have been published! I've read some beauties this year and I want to say a massive thank you to all the authors, publishers, publicists and so on for embracing me and Empire of Books so much. I started my blog nearly three years ago, and in that time I've had such an awesome time. I've loved every second and I cannot wait for the excitement to carry on next year! All the awesome blog tours. Author interviews. Guest posts. Book cover reveals. Announcements. Just so much excitement!

I'll be honest and say I am disappointed in the amount I have read this year. 53 books. Better than last year, but terrible compared to where I wanted to be. I wanted to read 111 books, just because I think 111 looks cool, so I am going to attempt the feat for a second year running and hope that in 2013 I can actually achieve it! I had a few long periods of not reading at all due to stuff going on in the real world, outside of the blog, and I'm hoping this new year will be a lot less dramatic! We shall see how that pan's out!

Just, yeah, I wanted to say thank you! And also to you! The people who visit the blog, comment on the posts, every one. It makes me feel so happy when I log on and see that my posts are being seen - hoping that the book love spreads, it's an exciting thing! It really is!

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