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Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

HARKEN cover reveal

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen me post excitedly on a couple of occasions about a book that is due to be published in January. That book is Harken, and it's been written by a prolific YouTuber, named Kaleb Nation. The book itself sounds pretty epic. It's all about conspiracy theories, in particular the one where folk believe that reptilian creatures walk among us, disguised as human beings, these people are our leaders, our media, our favourite musicians and some of the most inspirational people in the world. They control us. They hide from us...

Sounds so cool! Well now, Kaleb has unveiled the cover and it comes with a nifty little video, him being a YouTuber and all...

Love it! Here is a better look at the cover...

I have to say that I am loving the way this whole campain/promo/buzz is being played out. I think it's being done so well. For months Kaleb has been talking on Twitter about #SecretKalebBook and building up the anticipation. Then we get the title and cover with a few weeks of each other and things seem to be shaping up to be pretty awesome!

Harken is published on 13th Januray 2013, and I personally cannot wait to read it!

Why not check out Kaleb's video where he announces the title and talks about the book a little?

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