Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Letterbox Love #9

Letterbox Love is a meme hosted by Lynsey over Narratively Speaking, and is designed for UK bloggers to showcase the lovelies that drop through their letterbox's in the course of the week just gone...

So, last weeks Letterbox Love was intended to be the last of 2012... But then this happened...

Oh yeah! That's right! That's a signed copy of The Casual Vacancy! Yeah, the one by J.K. FREAKING ROWLING! And it's mine! All mine! Queue evil laugh... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Ahem, you get the idea! Argh! I am just so freaking excited! It was my birthday yesterday so this was an AMAZING surprise that if I'm honest has floored me. The mere fact that I own something that has actually been in this great womans presence, in her hands no doubt... She's touched it... She's scribbled it! I am just... GAH! Words cannot describe my excitement and awe and just sheer downright fangirl squealing! I am so excited as I think you can tell... I'm rambling... STOP!

Also got some other cool stuff from my parents! 21 mug and coaster... Angry Birds annual as I LOVE ANGRY BIRDS! A really cool pen because of my writing and a chain as they said they wanted to give me something I'd keep! Love them! Best parents anyone could ask for! :) All in all, an epic birthday which made me feel proper lucky. 

Anyway, while I'm here I might as well talk about a couple of things I've gotten in the last few days. I didn't get any books for Christmas, simply because I didn't ask for any. However I did get a Moleskin from a friend which I love and am using as an idea book. She told me she wanted to be thanked one day when I get published and I said that this way, there has to be some money sitting in the Moleskine right, if all my ideas go in there, something's gotta stick! Haha. I also purchased this...

It's a Moleskin 2013 calandar... Month by month. Each month has it's own little book which I think is pretty damn cool. This is for the blog. It's where I'm going to keep track of all the books that are being published and when... Any commitments such as blog tours, author interviews, stuff that I need to know when it has to go live, it'll all go down in there! I did the same last year and it really helped me to keep track of all the books coming out, so I'm hoping it works again in 2012. Plus I like the idea of just being able to pick of July and note that such and such a book is coming out on such and such a date, and so and so is doing an blog tour in October and I'm hosting and so and so a date... Haha! You get the idea.

I have also purchased some books for my Kindle! They are as follows...

 Mr Stink by David Walliams (I really enjoyed the adaptation on BBC over Christmas and wanted to read the book!)
The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey (I've wanted to read this for so long, I've heard nothing but good about it. A mate at work said that she'd started reading it and it was amazing, and that was the last straw! I saw it on Amazon on offer so I snapped that bad boy up! Excited to give it a read!!!
The Legend of Ellie Quin by Alex Scarrow (the first in a trilogy, I believe, and I'm not so sure if this isn't being self-published? Probably wrong on that front, but I love Alex's TimeRiders series and this looks and sounds awesome so I just had to check it out!
The Millenium Trilogy by Stieg Larsson (another series I've wanted to read forever! Again, it was on sale so I downloaded it!).
Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay (I have started watching Dexter on Netflix and I have fallen in love, it's sooooooo good! And I wanted to read the book that kickstarted it all, so I downloaded that too!)

And for Christmas I got a blu-ray player and I purchased some blu-rays in the sale... Not strictly book related, but they all popped through my letterbox so I'm sharing them! 

Jurassic Park Trilogy (LOVE!!!).
Lord of the Rings Trilogy (I already have these on DVD, but I've not watched them in ages and this was super cheap and I want to see them in HD... :D).
London 2012: The Olympics (the Opening Ceremony and Closing Ceremony were amazing, the Opening in particular and I want to watch that again and again because it made me feel so proud to be British that night, it was just so epic!).
Prometheus (I've not seen it yet, but this was on offer!).

So, that really is it, that last Letterbox Love of 2012! Happy reading folks, and see you in 2013!

1 comment:

  1. Your posts never fail to make me smile! I know how happy you are to get that signed first edition! You really do deserve it Ryan! :)

    I downloaded the Ellie Quin book too because you RT the link the last night! Thanks for that!

    Lord of the Rings is brilliant, have you been to see the Hobbit yet? It's a lighter funnier prequel!

    Oh and the Snow Child is so magical! I can't wait to see what you think of it! Happy Reading!

    Letterbox Love - Christmas Edition!
