Currently Reading

Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

In My Postbox #49

In My Mailbox idea from Kristi @ The Story Siren, and all links take you to Amazon UK.


Wyrmeweald: Bloodhoney by Stewart and Riddell.
Starters by Lissa Price.
Dead Rules by R. S. Russell.
Geekhood by Andy Robb.
The Last Four Things by Paul Hoffman,
Oliver Twisted by J. D. Sharpe.
Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.


Hollow Pike by James Dawson (finished, hardback copy - so beautiful!!).

As usual, thanks to all the awesome publicists/publishers!

Happy reading!


  1. You've got a great selection this week, I think Dead rules looks amazing and I have heard loads of good things about Hollow Pike.

    Enjoy your books, Great Mailbox :)

    It's always nice to find a fellow UK blogger :) I'm a new follower :D

  2. Got a copy of "Starters" a couple of weeks ago, though mine was an e-book copy. Hope we both enjoy reading it!

  3. Oh my!! Awesome Mailbox!! Enjoy them all :) ;)

  4. I didn't know that Dead Rules was being released in the UK! Will have to look into it! I need to get myself a copy of Hollow Pike, keep hearing awesome things about it! Happy reading Ryan ;)

    1. I put my copy of Hollow Pike on tour with UKBT why dont you look at that to save your pennies

  5. Wow, fab books this week, Geekhood and Oliver Twisted sound so good, enjoy :D
