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Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Anthony Horowitz' RUSSIAN ROULETTE gets UK cover!

The US artwork for Russian Roulette, the last foray of Anthony's into the world of Alex Rider, this time focusing on the love-to-hate assassin Yassen, was released a few weeks ago, and now it's the UK's turn to see what we're going to be nabbing for our book shelves!

Ooh! I think Walker have done a great job. I like how it matches the covers for the main books in the Alex series but also manages to look like it's something completely different, which in essence I suppose it is. Either way I can't wait to own this one! 

What do you think? Do you like the cover? Are you going to be reading Russian Roulette when it comes out? Which cover do you like best? The UK one or the US one?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome cover! I like it. It looks interesting, I do not know the US cover of this book, so I can't compare which one is better.

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