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Currently reading: Vulture by Bex Hogan.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Cover VS Cover: Mockingjay


As you will know if you are a regular reader of Empire of Books, I am a massive Hunger Games fan (although only recently!) and adored Mockingjay. And so what better way to kickstart Cover VS Cover as a weekly segment here on EoB than this amazing book?!

I have to say that I'm torn. I love both covers. I own the UK covers and so am more biased towards them as they're the ones I've loved and read. However, the US covers are just as brilliant. I love the blue, and the actual mockingjay. The US cover gives a sense of hope. 

I love the firey colours on the UK edition. It symbolises so many things in the trilogy, Katniss is the girl on fire after all.I love the fonts used on both editions but I like the UK one more. I think it's clever how they incorporate Katniss and Peeta into the title.And I really like the HG logo. However, sometimes I feel the UK covers are a little too cluttered. If they got rid of the quote from S. Meyer on the front, it'd be better. It's really the only thing they can cut from the cover, as it doesn't really do anything for it.

This isn't a major complaint, but one thing that annoys me is the Stephenie Meyer quotes. On the front and on the spine! The spine! That annoys me just a teeny weeny bit. I think it spoils the artwork to see a quote on the spine AND on the front. That's one reason I really like the US cover. It's so simple and yet effective.

But if it comes down to it, I just have to choose the UK cover. It's what I know and love. And it looks so amazing in the flesh.

Which do you prefer?


  1. I prefer the blue one. It just seems more eye catching. I have to admit I haven't read The Hunger Games yet so I need to really catch up. That is REALLY strange that there is a quote on the spine. Who does that?!

  2. I own the UK covers (they were the only ones published in Australia) and so am partial to them, even though they are a bit cluttered. But the US covers are awesome too.

  3. I have the UK covers but I don't like them, I think they are a bit tacky looking, I prefer the US covers.

  4. I really don't like that shade of blue, so I think I prefer the UK covers!

  5. I'm from the US, so naturally I might be a bit biased as well. (When I received my book in the mail, I was totally flabbergasted. It was beautiful!)
    Personally, I think the fiery colors would be for Catching Fire, because that symbolizes, well, catching fire, right? In Mockingjay, (before I read it) I was prepared for teary speeches about hope and freedom, etc. And then I opened it and ***SPOILERS!*** there were 8,750 deaths staring me in the face (the other 92% of District Twelve's deaths). But I felt the blue really symbolized freedom, from the Capitol and maybe from Katniss. (There's a girl-vs.-self conflict going on there.)
    The UK cover has the quote on the spine? ....That's just wrong. It's like they're expecting it to be a failure, so they're publicly saying, "Twilight is better than The Hunger Games." I have never heard of a quote on the spine itself. I mean, when you put it on a bookshelf, the spine is the thing that stands out to you, is it not?
    In short, though, I like the US cover better. Because I'm biased. :) Or maybe just because of the quote, which I have never heard about. I think the UK Hunger Games cover was better because it had the Katniss and Peeta tribute things on it, but why did they make Katniss's eyes brown? Her eyes are gray. I know this is a minor detail but I'm just crazy.

    ~Forever Team Gale.
